My Weekend At Bernie’s Barbecue

David Federman
3 min readJun 20, 2020

A Word of Post-Caution: Some conservatives believe “herd immunity” Is the best cure for plague — much as free-for-all capitalism is theoretically supposed to be for poverty. Here’s how these hyperactive twins of betterment work.

Like everything else that poses social danger, plague presents an opportunity to develop strength for every weakness it creates or exposes. Plague instigates a fury of innovation as companies compete to create vaccines. This monetization of catastrophe speeds creativity while the unprotected public readies itself for cure through an ultimately beneficent Malthusian process of elimination. How can mass death be good for mankind? you might be tempted to ask. Simple arithmetic.

The subtraction process rids the populace of immunological defectives and builds resistance in survivors to immunological deficiencies. It is a win-win situation. One small step for mankind; one giant step for Superman.

I’m a socialist who believes Bernie Sanders was our last chance for survival. Joe Biden will simply be a liberal idiot instead of a conservative one. Look, folks, there is a deep state — -a deep state of ignorance that has become a failed state of psychosis. Plague is not only a breakout and breakdown. It is a complete brake failure. Hope like prayer is a part of an autonomic but vestigial nostalgia for order. I pray ceaselessly. I can’t help it, although I know it won’t help me. I never wanted to be an existentialist, but time has stripped me bare of all other defenses and deflections.

